okay the day started off normallyexcept for the fact that it was navratri and days arent normal during that season and ours was no exception.there was the gay trend during that time that all of us visit each others' places for golu (south indian tradition of displaying statues). so we joined in and it was raghuls' place that day. oibviously all the girls were kinda pretty excited owing to the bulid up we had given about his place for an year. specially athmika, you should have seen the smile on her place when she was there... okay things were going smooth apart from the fact that raghuls' mom thought of divya as abinaya's mother!! well, poor divya... anyways the food was great. i dont even remember how many servings of samosa i had!! and pretty soon the golu got over and the day ended. But not for the gay5 (i hate using that name but since i have started off this section that way so have to continue it). well things were just getting started.

oh boy seeing the number of bengalis there reminde

well it was some dhaba (dhaba in chennai means a very big restaurant) and we planned out for the rest of the night. well it was me jagan bigb bri and atul. and ofcourse no one eats with their mouths shut. jagan just tipped off the limit in teasing atul with his singhman theories. obviosly atul got pissed and left. we had my bike so i gave it to atul and told him to take it hostel.

so it was just the four of us now. we thought there will be bikers in the bessie beach road late night. so we waited in the footpath till around 12. we saw a group talking about bikes and sat opposite to them. watching them talk made us feel they r gods with bikes and would soon create some show. and that was exactly what we were waiting for. one was like "machan he can do 60 degree wheelie da!" another was like "whatta! 60 and all is kids stuff. i can do 90 machan for 3 seconds. my bike goes 0-60 in under 4." well it was intimidating and exciting as we could watch something great. so the clock ticked 12. all of them went for their bikes. we thought now is the time. we were on our feet too. and there they left.

all of us got terrified. and we started walking back towards the footpath. all of us had hostels in mind except me and jagan maybe. we were thinking of reasons to give in that inspector. well we reached the footpath and started walking towards the hostel. but the car caught upto us. a fat policeman got out of the vehicle with fear all up his throat. we stopped and said some whisper of an apology. but he didnt stop. he simply charged at us ready to strike with his hands out. i thought time had come for my first visit to the police station. we all got shit scared and backed out. all of us except one. yes, that was bri. i dont know what he was thinking and stood his ground and did not move an inch. the policeman came close to him and his hand was 10 cms away from bri's face when he stopped. the he asked " who the hell r u? and what are you doing here?" then we started our anna university crap. that name 'anna university' has brought us out of many problems. then he ordered " i want you out of here the next minute." we thought we were the luckiest bastards there and ran off to the streets of besant nagar. we stopped out at some corner and then looked at each other. THIS WAS ONE HELL OF AN EXPERIENCE!!
all of us started jumping, hugging hi5ing shouting (which was no more than 1 decibel). jagan was having one hell of a time. you give him anything of an adventure and he eats it like raw fish. big b was acting matured and was kinda freaked out to get out of all this. bri was dumbstruck to speak or laugh. then he explained the he got shit scared and did not move in front of the policeman.
then a terrific stupid crazy (or whatever you call it) idea came up. i said "abe firse chalen? beach aaye to pani ko chhuuna hai " and jagan was the first to respond. he agreed at once. bri was thinking of all the possibilities as usual. big b hated himself to be be with us and ordered us to go hostel and stop dreaming stuff after that narrow escape. well we ignored him as usual. he could have left us like atul and gone but big was kinda scared to go all alone. so he had to come wherever we take him. so he knew his protests were useless and shut up after trying to convince us for half an hour. so we had to show off what we were doing. so we messaged everyone we know whatever happened and what we were going to do. i was excited and kinda scared too!! at some points i wanted to call it off and go to hostel. but we had gone too far planning. so we had stories like we lost our watch!! in the beach. the second one was like we lost our way. so we roamed around all the streets checking out the police everywhere.
once the car was out of view, we literally ran across the road. we ran towards planet yum.we thought everything will go on fine and busted!!. the police vehicle was right behind us. jagan ran off somewhere out of sight. big b hid himself behind some truck and asusual bri was too dumbstruck to run. so i told him to pose as if he was peeing. so both of us discharged. but we were wrong. the police came for some other car in which some people were drinking. that was a narrow escape! and we hid ourselves behind the walls of planet yum. all of us were literally lying down on sand because our shadows and give us up. the flood light was strong there. we were down talking in whispers for about 10 minutes. it was 1 o clock.nobody had any clue on what to do next. then i just had a glimpse back and saw a man walking towards us. i presumed he must be from the slums. everyone else was too busy watching out for the police. so i shifted my position as if i was casually sitting. and i asked him till when the police will be there in my normal voice. everyone else freaked out thinking our cover had blown. but then we talked to that guy from the slums and made up a fake story that we lived in thiruvanmiyur and got stuck up in the beach late and never knew about the curfew at night. well that guy's name was murugan and he seemed nice but was drunk. so we couldnt trust him. he offered us to sleep with him till the next day morning. we were glad to hear that and accepted. so we went to his ooor(place). his place was not hut or something but just plain beach sand. then he was talking to us with his 3 friendsabout our college thiruvanmiyur etc.
suddenly he asked if we have any mobiles, or i pods. bri had his i pod. but we told him we didnt have anything. he was more of a friend by then. he took out an mp3 player and asked us how to charge that. jagan was about to reply but then one of his friends told him that you charge it by plugging it to a computer. the next act was the one of the most terrifying acts of my life. he took out his arm, swinged it full 180 degrees and slapped that guy. we were clueless of what happened. then he said " im asking them not you. so keep your bloody mouth shut".then he repeated the question. this time our answers were same but came out in a more of respectful manner. it was obvious he was the leader of their group and everyone was scared of him. the other guy started crying. then murugan offered us some more water which we politely refused and lied down. all of us agreed that the place was dangerous and we could get ourselves robbed or worse killed if we sleep.
but the very next instant i slept. i was too tired the way things had gone throughout the day. jagan and bri talked for sometime and slept when bigb offered to stay up. he was going mad looking at the clouds. i could read a million thoughts in his mind. he was very far from sleep. by the time he woke us all up it was 3.30. so we went into the waters and completed our night. the waters were unusually warm at some places and cold at some. we saw some big fish dead in the shores. we took a long walk to the ends of the beach.
well it was 5 and the bessie church was opening. so we thought we could pay a visit there. when we were walking in front of planet yum, we saw a some red and blue light flashing!. not again. it was them in their accent. as usual jagan had this habit of dissappearing. he dashed into the bushes and was invisible. i asked the lady what to do? she told me to sit down as if i was shitting. that was an incredible idea with the situation around. so i did that. and bri and big b were too embarassed to sit. so they just posed as if they were peeing. but there was no harm done. the police vehicle just came and left without and questions. ahhh a narrow escape again.so we left for the church as decided and then walked our way bak to the hostel cracking jokes. boy jagan had his share of adventure for the night. big b was still too excited the way he spent the night. and bri, well it was very hard to say or presume what he would do. so i had no clue about what he was thinking. me on the other hand(being a lazy ass) had done too much work for the night and was planning to do the thinking part tomorrow. so i slept. and slept. and slept. realising that it was 8 pm when i woke up and had my dinner.
gr8 adventure... enuf to set adrenaline racing!!!
you bet... thanks for the comment...
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